Weekend Project - DIY Slosh Pipe

The Slosh Pipe - Here’s an easy piece of kit to add to your workout regimen. One of the key weaknesses that will inhibit your ruck performance progress and is often cited by Team Week survivors is core strength. The Slosh Pipe addresses this weakness.

It’s deceptively hard. It’s just a pipe that you put across your back, like a squat. But because it’s only partly filled, it shifts…sloshing back and forth. The more you fight it, the more it fights back.

This one is only about 25 pounds, but it’s longer than most at 10 feet. I recommend starting with about 6 feet. Any PVC pipe will do. Just fill it about halfway with a non-freezing liquid and glue the caps on. I had some water/antifreeze laying around and the pipe was left over from another project. I padded the ends with a few wraps of tape to protect the end caps and glue.

You can start with just racking it on your back and standing. Yes, just standing. Even a slight shift causes the liquid to slosh around and the core starts firing. Beginners will struggle just to stabilize a static load.

Progress slowly. This is one that hits hard the next day. Once you feel comfortable just standing, try some squats. Enjoy the pain and enjoy finding out how asymmetrical your movements are. Eye-opening.

Once you feel comfortable try walking. Then try lunge walks. Then try step ups. Rinse and repeat.



Weekend Project - DIY Ruck Plates


The beatings will continue until morale improves…