Land Nav Training
Never Get Lost
Land Nav is part skill, part confidence, and part discipline. The skills are fairly easy to master, but the confidence and discipline always prove to be the challenge. If you can plot a point on a map and shoot an azimuth, we can teach you how to never get lost again.
Real World Skills
Our Land Nav Muster series is specifically designed to teach the skills that you need to read the terrain, plan the best routes, and find your points quickly. We can take you from wandering in the woods to actual navigation. Real world skills for real world results.
Build Confidence
We will teach you to navigate with certainty. In a single day you will learn the fundamentals, apply advanced techniques and procedures, navigate guided routes packed with teaching points, and plan and execute your own routes with expert oversight. Building skills builds confidence.
But our Musters are so much more. You will not only learn Land Nav skills, you will learn about Selection skills, Cadre interactions, and Candidate intercommunications. You will learn about physical terrain and human terrain.
Assessment never stops. We will teach you the systems and processes that help you manage cognitive load, maneuver physical load, and regulate stress. You will learn how to prioritize tasks, identify obstacles to performance, and stay focused. We don’t ‘rise to the occasion’, we sink to the level of our training. What are you training today?
True Discipline
The only prerequisites are the ability to plot a grid on a map and shoot a general azimuth. Our students often comment that they already had traditional Land Nav skills, but they couldn’t put them in context to maximize opportunities and mitigate risks. We will teach you to amplify your existing skills and apply them in ways that optimize your performance at SFAS.
When you secure a Muster ticket, we will send you an email with detailed reporting instructions to include a suggested packing list. Many Candidates choose to replicate their SFAS load (make sure to check out our two-part SFAS Packing List Manifesto on our article page) , but just as many bring the bare minimum - a compass, a notebook, and some water. We will issue you a custom map, a protractor, a curriculum GTA, and all of the other tools you will need.
In order to attend a Night Series event you must successfully complete an advanced day Muster event (either the Hoffman or Bragg event) . There is a small packing list for Night Series Musters. We will issue you safety equipment, about the size and weight of an MRE, so you will need some way to carry this. Night Vision Devices are not required or recommended.

Find A Class That Works For You
We host musters as often as you need them. We regularly schedule advanced musters at least every other month. We can schedule custom classes at your request.
Land Nav Musters are optimized for SFAS prep, but are perfect for Ranger School, NCOES, ROTC/OCS, or just good tactical training. Active Duty or National Guard, Enlisted or Officer, Military or Civilian...anyone is welcome. Learning to navigate is a life skill, not just a Green Beret skill.