Land Nav
Muster Tickets
TFVooDoo hosts events every month. If you don’t see available dates, then the event is not yet scheduled. Our goal is to post available events a month prior to execution. We understand that many people want to schedule around other obligations and require significant lead time. We post the events as soon as the dates are confirmed. We have operational realities to deconflict as well.
Follow us on Instagram or check back here regularly to get the most current events.
We offer very limited slots for each event.
When you purchase a ticket, you reserve that slot making it unavailable to others.
As such, full refunds are available only if you cancel outside of 14 days of the event date.
You will also have the option of transferring your tuition to the next available event for a $50.00 transfer fee.
There are no refunds, and your tuition is not guaranteed transferable to future events, for cancellations inside of 14 days from the event date.
For events cancelled by TFVooDoo you will receive a full refund or the option to transfer your tuition to the next available event with no fee.
Contact us for questions and refund or transfer options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: The Night Muster requires successful completion of the day muster as a prerequisite. Can I attend both events in one day?
A: Yes. The Musters are specifically designed to allow you to complete both events in the same weekend, Attend the day Muster and then attend the Night Muster immediately after. We built it this way intentionally to allow maximum efficiency and enable out-of-town trainees to save on travel.
Q: The ticket says “Advanced Land Nav”. I’ve never done this before, can I still attend?
A: You will need to be able to plot a point on a map and plot an azimuth using the MGRS system and a protractor. If you can’t do that then get a copy of Never Get Lost and learn how. You can attend if you are unable to perform these basic skills, but you will struggle to advance to the core skills that we teach. You don’t have to be an expert, but plotting points, azimuths, and using a protractor are basic skills.
Q: Im traveling from out of town. How do I get there, where do I stay, can I get a ride, etc?
A: We provide Land Navigation training. We are not a travel service. You will need to make your own travel arrangements. Many clients in the past have used Raleigh-Durham Airport (RDU), rent a car or Uber, and stay at the Carolina Pine Inn. It is reasonably priced, secure and clean, and centrally located. WE ARE NOT SPONSORING OR ENDORSING ANY COURSE OF ACTION, we are simply advising what others in the past have done,